Some Igbo
proverbs can be very expressive and amusing, and I suspect that this applies to
proverbs in many other languages that can be found in Nigeria, especially the
Volta-Niger family where Igbo is currently classified. Proverbs are amusing to
us, partly because we apply our real-life human situations to the context they
literally contain and because of what we find ridiculous in them. One such
proverb in Igbo that we can find quite amusing is the saying attributed to the
dog: Nkịta sị na ndi nwere ike amaghị anọ ọdụ (The dog says that those who have
buttocks do not know how to sit down). So, the dog has been watching us! I
thought that it is merely squatting as a “long-throat” as we wrestle with the
bony part of the meat! So, the thoughts of that dog can be verbalized; in other
words, somebody in the room knows what it is thinking? Also, so the dog speaks
our own language but something in its barking makes the deciphering difficult!
Dog trainers and vet doctors should hear these!
I wonder why
the sage chose to put these human thoughts and human words into the mouth of
the barking dog. What more, making the bloody squatting animal a satirist of
human behaviour. Who knows whether the dog has applied to USAAfricaDialogue to
become a member! Then, it can also watch the shapes of our tongues and the
colours of our teeth. In fact, one has to be careful, for (not Big Brother)
that dog, that mongrel, that poodle, that bulldog, the terrier... may be
watching out for one’s posts!
Animals speak
for animals. That is normal. Only when animals speaking for animals and like
animals is a strategy of entrapment. The dinta (or ode in Yoruba) knows that very
well. Sometimes he pretends to be an animal by imitating the sounds associated
with the animal and easily deceives its mates. The get closer, thinking the
sound is from a friend, not knowing it is from the worst enemy. Then, BANG! And
the mumu animal is down and out. Its life is over among enemies that pretend to
be friends. Its journey in the jungle is over.
Some would
classify proverbs of this nature attributed to an animal under wellerism, or a
statement which contains a known proverb or quotation, a fresh use, and an
utterer, which of course adds to its humour and strangeness. So, using those
criteria, let us just accept the classification tentatively. The point remains
that the lower is positioned to teach the higher, which is perfectly in line
with the idea that those who are gifted with buttocks do not know how to sit
But why is it
so? Is the dog right? Does this apply to individuals as well as large groups
like countries. Is the conclusion of the squatting down valid or is the dog
merely jealous? Is it not in the province of irony that those that have
buttocks do not know how to sit down?
Given that
buttocks are for sitting down, whatever “sitting down” means. Given that the
dog, literally speaking, is in the fictive situation saying so after comparing
itself with those who have buttocks. But the dog has buttocks. Except that
animal is denying it, seeing the presence of a tail it wags often as the
absence of buttocks. In that case, it sees the tail as a disadvantage, as a
symbol of lack! No wonder it prefers to squat here and there.
Igbo culture
uses it and its logic as a paradigm for appreciating wise use of resources, or
what one is gifted with. It is clearly shown that those who have an advantage
ironically turn it to a disadvantage sadly. Are some individuals not misusing
(or not using) opportunities? Are some people that subscribe to
USAAfricaDialogue actually reading others and do they learn from this virtual
classroom? Do they really use the opportunities (fellowships, conferences,
workshops, etc) for academic growth or do they stockpile them like any other
social media luggage?
No; don’t
talk about some shithole countries. It could be very obvious that they misuse
resources, and worse still, hardly care about human resources. Oh; why shouldn’t
millions be slaughtered or rendered homeless? Are these countries not greatly overpopulated? Is it not better to slaughter the populations as a way of reducing
the populations? After all, a country is not its citizens; it is just the map.
Dear dog,
keep squatting and learning human language. Keep criticizing the absurd human behaviour.
Every observer needs to squat, not sit!
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